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Al ex
KeymasterAdded, thanks! 🙏 I took the cpu specs from GSMArena, is that the correct one (Snapdragon 480 5G)?
Al ex
KeymasterIt’s actually very easy. All you have to do is tap the orange “+” icon on the left of the screen, then “import profile”, and select the .mgc file from wherever you’ve stored it on your phone.
Next, edit the profile so you’re pointing it to the main program and setup .exe files on your phone. Done. 🙂Al ex
KeymasterNo, you import the file as it is.
Al ex
KeymasterMh, I just checked my GoG page, and it should indeed by the standard CD-ROM version. Onle WC4 is the DVD version, I think.
Launch problems in any game might be related to storage access restrictions implemented by Google with the Android 12/13 updates, so it might be worth running the initial DOSBox setup again.Before you do so, and start moving/copying game files all over your phone, you might want to check your mountings, though. I have my game stored on an external sd card, and it’s running fine.
The game itself as well as the DATA.DAT (the CD-ROM image file from GoG) is in a subfolder called “/Games/PC” on my external sd, which is labelled “0000-0000”. For reference, these are the contents of my expert settings section:
cycles=max 105%[mixer]
@Echo Off
mount c: /storage/0000-0000/Games/PC
imgmount d /storage/0000-0000/Games/PC/WC3/DATA.DAT -t iso
wc3Al ex
KeymasterIt’s available on Google Play as a separate app. Compatibility and the complete Dosbox code are identical, but you get a lot more config options in the full version.
Al ex
KeymasterHuh, that’s a weird issue. But glad you could figure it out. 🙂
Al ex
KeymasterUsually, you’ll set the folder with your DOS games as root folder in Dosbox. In my case it’s this line (from expert settings, but you can also set it up in the GUI):
mount c: /storage/0000-0000/Games/PCWhich means, I have a folder called “Games” on my sd card (/storage/0000-0000), in which I keep several subfolders (C64, Amiga, SNES, PC, etc.). So I mount /Games/PC as drive C in Dosbox. From there, I launch the game like I would do on a real DOS PC:
cd synd
main (<- that's the game exe file, I avoid .bat files whenever I can). No matter where you keep your game, the folder containing your "Synd" folder should be mounted as C:, do not mount "Synd" itself as C drive. I hope this makes sense. 😉Al ex
KeymasterHi, and welcome! 🍻
I just tried with my own copy of the game, and I can save/load just fine. If you’re running your game from a folder on your SD card (like I do), you’ll probably have to use the “Public storage” option. Google really f***ed up file access in their latest OS versions. 😐
Also, make sure your game files aren’t set to read-only.Al ex
KeymasterIt’s just trial and error. DOS games handled mouse implementation in many different ways, and Win95 didn’t really improve things, either. That’s why there are all these weird options in the advanced settings tab. 😉
Al ex
KeymasterThere was a tool called Gestureworks Gameplay on Steam, which did kind of the same as Magic Dosbox (custom touchscreen controls), albeit much less sophisticated. It’s been discontinued though, and I don’t know if it’s still available at all.
I used it to play Oblivion on a Windows tablet some 10 years ago, but it was very buggy, with Windows randomly blocking inputs and hiding the overlay. That’s probably part of the reason why it’s so difficult to port Magic Dosbox over to Windows (?), as it’s a much more unpredictable and finicky OS.Al ex
KeymasterDual boot is a pain in the ass, tbh. You either split your SSD, sacrificing precious storage, or you install it to an SD card, which is plain terrible performance-wise.
I’ve stopped using Windows completely, because SteamOS just runs everything fine, including ReShade along with my games.Al ex
KeymasterMagic Dosbox on Steam Deck? Neat idea, I would love to see that. 😉
But the way I understand it, it’s next to impossible to have the same kind of overlay control scheme in Windows, let alone in SD’s Linux environment.
I haven’t used Dosbox at all on my my Deck so far, but I guess you could create some very cool layouts with the built-in controller config tool. And maybe it’s possible to add single DOS games as non-Steam game to the library via Steam ROM Manager, so your can bind individual controller layouts to them?Al ex
KeymasterI strongly advise against posting your email address openly here, to prevent abuse.
You should send a message to magicbox(at) instead. 🙂Al ex
KeymasterTap and hold the profile Icon in your library, then tap “Export” in the pop up window.
Al ex
KeymasterLol, same. First thing I did when I got my Galaxy watch was install Magic Dosbox, and run Fate of Atlantis. Useless, but the tinkering was fun. 😉
Magic Dosbox is pretty much the only emulator in the world that allows any game to be played properly on a touch screen. It’s hands down my favorite Android app. 👍 -