Game configuration

Well met Hero!

This page helps you prepare for your next adventure. As you know, every adventure is different and you really need proper equipment (aka game settings). So let’s start.

The first options are cosmetic,  but they help put us in the adventuring mood:


You can change the image and title. Simply clicking on the picture area will open a  file browser – from there  you can pick an image file saved on storage. The file browser allows you to pick images with a max size of 512×512 for now.

The next option to configure  is sound:


To your left are settings for:

  • Sound ON which  is equivalent to dosbox command nosound=false
  • PC speaker – enable or disable pc speaker
  • Sound blaster – allows you to enable sound blaster support, and choose a specific sound blaster card
  • Midi – allows you to enable Midi support, and choose between MT-32 and General Midi (Fluidsynth)
  • Be aware that MT-32 requires MT32 rom files, which are copyrighted, and therefore not distributed with Magic Dosbox. Fluidsynth requires a soundfont, most of which are freely availabe on the internet. A very good choice is GeneralUser GS.

To  your right is a  button for audio settings:


Next up comes configuring options for  memory size, dos and CPU settings. Maximum allowed memory is 64MB.


You can look here for better info about CPU.

Next I added a flag for automatic adjustment. It is for people who don’t want to play much with performance. This options overwrites your settings and set lower audio, cycles to max and may incorporate some additional tweaks, especially in future versions.

* you can’t change cycles when this flag is turned on.

*Version 1.0.8 introduced two additional flags :

  • automatic performance
  • cycles max – this options sets cycles=max
  • cycles custom (in game settings : ‘Power’) – You can tune cycles in runtime with General Settings/Power options. Starting value for cycles is 3000.


Now it’s time to  set the path to the drive C (the default hard disk location for DOS/Windows computers).  The default path is taken from the current global settings.  This is equivalent to :

mount c “/mnt/sdcard/Games/dos/”


Some games require CD-ROM or ISO support. For this scenario, I’ve added an option to simplify this process:


Ok. You can add  a new cd-rom with the ‘+’  button to your right.  Tap on it, and fill the following settings :


  • CD Label – Description for CD. It is used as -label parameter when mounting folder
  • Drive letter – drive for cdrom. You can choose any letter for the new drive,  except “C” (most windows computers use “D” btw). img_config_cdrom_choosedrive
  • Map – you can map *.iso file or folder and than find it on storage. Choose folder press button “Take” or *.iso clicking on the file icon.

When all is set to your liking, press the confirm button to add the CD to the collection. After that you can change CD the settings with long press on it.

Version 17 changes image mounting logic. Until this time only one image file was mounted. Version 17 mounts checked CD as first (main) cd and other images in the same drive letter are mounted as secondary disks. In general settings was added new options for swapping between them. But this is applied only if main disk is image file.

Finally we can choose program “Main program” to run immediately after dosbox starts.  Next you can set “Setup” as well and run it with button “Setup” on bottom of configuration window. Button “Get” will copy to clipboard example how will be generated autoexec from these settings.

Search for setup file on :


At least you see  “Expert commands”. It is for people who want to play with dosbox config manually. Read here about differences between magic dosbox config and classic dosbox.

On bottom right side of window was before version 16 button for delete game profile. Version 16 changed its functionality and introduced new options :

  1. Duplicate – duplicates current game profile
  2. Shortcut for desktop – makes shortcut for current game to desktop
  3. Export – exports game profile to disk in *.mgc file
  4. Delete 

And finally confirm changes and adventure is prepared 😉