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Yes Man
ParticipantIt’s up and running. Thanks a lot. Now all that’s left is getting the rest of the RP running i.e appearance mod, a problem due likely to the dated sfall necessary for windows 98… though that’s pretty off topic.
Also fine tuning performance now, it seems to be shaping up markedly better than Dosbox Turbo; atm balancing audio prebuffer with cycles – which is a little tricky given that the better performance seems to come at the cost of sound quality. Trying to keep prebuffer at 0 but I’ve got crackling with 2 or 3 sound effects as well movie audio, most of it though is pretty clean, like music, ambient sound etc….
Only very specific areas are exhibiting noticeable slowdown now, which is nice. Some load screens are a bit long, might try dabbling with higher cycles for the few that drag.Safe to assume that 3dfx voodoo/glide is not supported here? I’ll make sure it’s disabled in my DM if that’s the case.
When I go to mouse under general settings the app crashes, but the mouse is working. Is physical mouse the default setting for type?
Yes Man
ParticipantYou’re the best! I’ll check this out as soon as possible.
Yes Man
ParticipantThanks I was just curious. It comes with RP. Your character would be visible on the character screen and there are 3 hair styles to choose from. It’s not important though.
Yes Man
ParticipantLarrynho did you happen to get the appearance mod working for Fo2? The old sfall I’m using for win98 lacks a command in ddraw.ini for enabling it but the Appearance folder is in my directory anyways.
This post seems to indicate it might be possible manually but I’ve tried moving files from Appearance to other folders with no results.
Yes Man
ParticipantWow, considering this situation is very likely due to my own ignorance it means a lot that you’d do that. Hopefully it serves others well also – it seems in demand having brought it up. I honestly shouldn’t require that much ram and the real solution should be figuring out why I do but that’s the most obvious thing I need to eliminate at the moment, I can’t wait to try.
People have had success where I haven’t with RP though and that’s with the memory limit, so I suspect even if the ram bump does work that the cause is something on my end. The guide I referred to originally for DBT did mention a 256mb min but the exact reasons were unclear. I can’t think of many, if any files (from the manual RP files) I may have dropped in that would alter the game & patch installation in terms of memory req drasticaly.
Yes Man
ParticipantDDraw tweak didn’t work, I’ve tried that and the f2_res_config a number of times each (directdraw 7, basic, dx9 etc)
I am curious as to why this setup is asking for 256mb ram and if there’s some way of getting past that. I’ll poke around.
The Fo2 I have in storage at the moment is a manual installation – it pretty much behaves the same regardless of whether it’s a native installation, automatic or manual off drive so long as I take the necessary steps after (windows 98 compat manual RP files etc). There are probably some relevant options during the automatic installation , I don’t think they should be causing any issues, especially if others haven’t paid any mind to them, but I’ll make sure to check them out if I go through it again.
Yes Man
ParticipantInteresting. With the Restoration Project it doesn’t want to run with 64mb anywhere for me, shame. Dosbox Turbo has become a little unsightly.
Yes Man
ParticipantI just realised that Magic Dosbox was limiting ram to 64mb even when I put higher in the config, I noticed this in my computer properties, so I went over to Dosbox Turbo and saw it was matching it’s relative config (256mb). I then dialled down memsize to 63 there and voila – it closed after the initial load just like in Magic.
Is it possible for me to increase the memory beyond 64mb? Preferably to 256:)
Yes Man
ParticipantI’ve determined that changing the cputype to pentium_slow (pentium/auto wouldn’t work) is what got it to start with svn core – though I haven’t gotten it past the loading screen as of yet. Memsize doesn’t seem to do much. I also tried erasing any trace of 3dfx but there was still no dice – though, a couple launches did incur a brief white screen just before closing, it’s not consistent and I don’t think it was related to attempts to remove 3dfx.
Yes Man
ParticipantI’ve gotten it running on Magic Dosbox pre patches (including restoration patch) but I’m not interested in that version, not that there’s anything wrong with it.
I’ve been knocking down sound quality and I even disabled 3dfx glide support – which I’m not convinced had any positive effect in the first place – over on Dosbox Turbo (on win98) to get it more “playable” with the restoration project while I continue to trial and error Magic Dosbox so that it might also work some day -as again it’s markedly smoother. I can’t tell if it’s an issue with the restoration installation or the windows img or something else; this is why I hesitate to build a win98 img myself because the issue might lie elsewhere. It stops just short of playing the first intro video each time.
It’s weird also that the appearance mod for example in DBT doesn’t show up but that’s not really directly relevant I don’t think.
I’ll try reducing memsize at least and see what happens though. I’m just about out of ideas myself, I’ve got alternate installs coming out of my ears on my PC.
Thanks for the suggestions though everybody. Hopefully this thread hasn’t been a nuisance on the forum.
Yes Man
ParticipantI got it to launch via SVN core with no error, however it’s only making it to the first loading screen before closing like it did without. I just kept trying to match variables in the expert commands config with the dosbox config I had for Dosbox Turbo and something took, not sure what though yet.
Yes Man
ParticipantOne image with DirectX9.0C, 3dfx, SB16 apparently, another with DX8.0, 3dfx & SB16 and a third (with Dx9.0c,3dfx, Sb16) with CD/ISO support via Daemon Tools that’s supposed to be less stable at least in the context of Dosbox Turbo, that’s what I used when I tried a native install in Magic. It’s worth noting Fo2 still runs in Dosbox Turbo (granted I’ve never seen the appearance mod or extra menu options working) with Restoration and the native install ran in Magic before Restoration.
Yes Man
ParticipantThanks for the suggestion. I did try switching cputype=auto to cputype=pentium in the dosbox config via expert commands but the results were the same.
SVN core: No launch and Directx error
No SVN core: Launch but closure after first load screen and no error.My config otherwise mostly matches what’s in the above video tutorial, though I have increased memsize to 256 on occasion.
Yes Man
ParticipantI used a win98 image with daemon tools on it and mounted an actual Fallout 2 iso in Magic – as the GOG installer doesn’t work in win98. Opted for humongous installation and did automatic install of Restoration with the exe after.
Didn’t use mgc file at any point. Took a few hours to get through all the installations.
I went into program files after and found Fallout 2, launched it, it made it to the first loading screen (which looked different this time) and then it closed without any error back to desktop. SVN core gives me the same error as before : “ COULD NOT LOAD DIRECTX.. program requires win 95 with directx 3.0a or later or win NT version 4.0 with SP 3 or greater..”
Interesting because for dosbox turbo I used a GOG installation, manually installed Restoration on top of that, then after that replaced and/or added a number of files (like exe with 95-98 compatible exe, sfall.dll, elevators config&ddraw config), ran a batch file iirc, deleted patch000.dat, dropped in a fallout2.cfg file with ‘video and ambient sounds’ – not to mention also moved the denbus1 files out of /data/maps into /data/ to prevent The Den from being a black screen. Then after all that injected the installation into the 2gb hdd.
^I’m wondering if I should still do all of that inside windows 98 with the manual RP files. I’ll probably back up this hdd image and try.^
Edit: It did run before installing the restoration project but otherwise no luck yet.
Yes Man
ParticipantAlright I’ll give that a try Larrynho when I get a chance, thanks for the tip. Did you do the automatic installation? Guess I’ll need the manual files regardless. I’m still worried I’m missing some setting somewhere, I’ve really only played around with the main config/expert commands.
I was probably in a crib during that era.