Syndicate Power Sliders

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    Syndicate have 4×3 sets of powersliders that can be set with a mouseclick. But on a telephone screen it is difficult to have the accuracy required to click them. Initially I made 5 buttons per slider that made accurate mouseclicks for you, clicking each slider at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. After some thought I also added an extra larger button variant for the first agent since if you have all 4 agents activated you will change them all if you change one of them.

    Advice on better solutions would be appreciated. I couldnt get the binocular to do what I wanted and the new looper feature doesnt work with mouseclicks.

    Al ex

    You mean the zoom feature? You can set it to double click in Gesture options, I’m finding that more useful than the default. But this can lead to accidental zooming, of course, if you tap the screen repeatedly to shoot something.

    But damn, you’re right about the sliders. I could’ve sworn there’s a keyboard shortcut for that, but Syndicate seems to be 100% mouse-driven. Guess it was pretty innovative and fancy back then not to press any keyboard keys… ?
    Apart from that, your workaround sounds very good. That’s what the Target widget was designed for. And I second the request for Target widget integration into Looper widget. ?


    Currently the main issue with my solution is the large amount of buttons required (60 in my initial setup). A looper that can handle mouseclicks could potentially lower the amount and give some options. After playing this for awhile it is still difficult to handle on a phone due to the amount of buttons in small space.


    Hmmm, maybe I can improve one from widgets : telescope, target or deadly strike…maybe you can setup zoom point and zoom size. Then if you tap on widget, screen at picked point will be zoomed…i am not sure if this idea can help..

    Al ex

    That does actually sound like a good idea IMHO. 🙂


    Question is how to get screen back to normal state, maybe second tap on widget?

    Al ex

    Why not? That would be the easiest way.
    And zoom point & size would be defined by the pre-selected zoom area. So if you draw a zoom box around the four sliders, they will be zoomed to fullscreen when you tap the widget. If you draw another one e.g. around the much larger game window, the zoom will be much less pronounced.
    You know, I’m thinking of something similar to the custom mouse pointer area feature.


    Zoom box brings problems, not bad idea, but zoom box means that it must be stretched and breaks aspect ratio, and if you perform screen scrolling then I must controll a lot of things.

    Easiest way is zoom and center picked point to middle of screen


    Quick mock-up. Having a kind of ‘zoomed up portion’ would allow things like this;
    Syndicate Wide


    Ah…I never played this game and seeing mockup gives me better picture what you need.

    My idea was :

    1. you pick point on screen
    2. pressing widget zooms whole screen and centers to this point
    3. pressing widget again returns it back to normal state

    This is easy, because I already did these function and I can re-use them

    Harder way, but maybe better for you could be to improve zoom widget. In this case…(like Alex said) you can make selection on the screen. This selection can be copied to widget’s background in each screen update.

    For this I must find more time


    Check some video on how people longplay syndicate. The sliders are controlled in real time and you get a few seconds to set three of them before you are dead.

    Al ex

    Yeah, I remember how this game was very unforgiving and kinda hectic in the heat of battle. 😉


    While on the topic, I have yet to be able to win the first round on my phone because I cant click the person I am supposed to assassinate befoee he escapes in a car…


    Ok then, I try harder way


    Another phenomenon. On my Samsung 7 the “Target” in Syndicate is innacurate. Possibly due to the high resolution screen. I have to aim the crosshair way higher in the upper part of the screen (phone flipped into landscape, to the left with power button on top). I managed to get it inaccurate by trial and error. The fact that you cant see the coordinates while moving the crosshair or set it manually made it harder.

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