Tagged: emulators
- This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by
Al ex.
30. January 2017 at 23:03 #4200
ParticipantI spent a few weeks searching for the best emulators to run them in Magic DOSBox.
If you know better emulators and have already tested them in Magic DOSBox, feel free to write here. Useful tools, documentations, corrections and other stuff are also welcomed. Don’t be indifferent!
Keep in mind, that it is possible to speed up some emulators with their built-in options, but some of them require a pretty powerful CPUs.
And, please, always read all the available documentations before asking for help.
So, here is a result of my search:
║ A B A C U S
║ [1988] Abacus Pyldin 601/601-A (Абакус Пълдин 601/601-A)
║ emulator.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ A C O R N
║ [1980] Acorn Atom
║ Acorn Atom Emulator 1.33:
║ atom.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1981] Acorn BBC Micro Model A
║ [1982] Acorn BBC Micro Model B
║ [1985] Acorn BBC Micro Model B+
║ [1986] Acorn BBC Master 128
║ [1986] Acorn BBC Master Compact
║ B-em 1.1:
║ b-em11d.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1983] Acorn Electron
║ Notes: emulator “Elkulator” does not run.
║ [1987] Acorn BBC Archimedes series
║ [1987] Acorn Archimedes series
║ [1989] Acorn BBC A3000
║ [1991] Acorn A5000
║ Notes: emulator “Arculator” does not run.
║ [1994] Acorn RiscPC
║ [1995] Acorn A7000
║ Notes: emulator “RPCemu” does not run.
║ A M S T R A D
║ [1984] Amstrad CPC series (Schneider CPC series)
║ CPCE 1.94:
║ cpce194.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1985] Amstrad PCW 8xxx series (Schneider Joyce series)
║ [1987] Amstrad PCW 9xxx series
║ [1993] Amstrad PCW 10
║ Joyce 1.36:
║ joyce136.zip
║ cpm3.td0
║ cpm 2,11 boot PCW9512+ eng.zip
║ loco.td0
║ LOCOS203.zip
║ loco2-1.td0
║ Tools:
║ libdsk142.zip
║ dsktool103.zip
║ Docs:
║ pcwtips.html
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ A P P L E
║ [1977] Apple II
║ [1979] Apple II Plus
║ [1983] Apple IIe
║ [1984] Apple IIc
║ [1988] Apple IIc Plus
║ EMU][ 0.40:
║ emu2-0.40.zip
║ apple_ii+_rom.zip
║ apple2m.rom (file is missing, feel free to share)
║ apple2o.rom
║ apple2eo.rom (file is missing, feel free to share)
║ apple_iie_rom.zip
║ apple_2c_original_rom.zip
║ apple_iic_rom.zip
║ Docs:
║ emuii-0.32.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1984] Apple Macintosh 68k series
║ Executor/DOS 2.1pr11:
║ http://ftp.ardi.com.rar
║ Serial:
║ ardi.php
║ Docs:
║ manual.html
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1986] Apple IIGS
║ XGS-DOS 0.50.6:
║ xgs506.zip
║ gsrom01.zip
║ gsrom03.zip
║ Docs:
║ xgs32faq.html
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ A T A R I
║ [1977] Atari 2600 (Atari VCS)
║ [1983] Atari 2800
║ Stella 1.3:
║ st13.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1979] Atari 400
║ [1979] Atari 800
║ [1982] Atari 5200 SuperSystem
║ [1982] Atari 1200XL
║ [1983] Atari 600XL
║ [1983] Atari 800XL
║ [1985] Atari 65XE (Atari 800XE)
║ [1985] Atari 130XE
║ [1987] Atari XE Game System
║ Atari800 2016-10-08 WIP:
║ atari800-3.1.0-dos.zip
║ Atari800 3.1.0:
║ atari800-3.1.0-dos.zip
║ rom.rar
║ atari8bit_roms.rar
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1985] Atari ST
║ PaCifiST 0.48 + 0.49b:
║ pcst048.zip
║ 049beta.zip
║ TOS 2.06:
║ tos206us.zip
║ tos206uk.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1986] Atari 7800 ProSystem
║ V7800 0.12:
║ v7800r12.zip
║ a7800.zip
║ a7800p.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ C A P C O M
║ [1988] Capcom Power System
║ Callus 0.42:
║ cls042.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1993] Capcom Power System II
║ Notes: emulators “MAME” and “Raine” work too slow.
║ C O L E C O
║ [1982] Coleco ColecoVision
║ ColEm 2.6:
║ ColEm26-Windows-bin.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1983] Coleco Adam
║ ADAMem 1.81 IDE:
║ ADAMEM_MSDOS_v1.81.zip
║ ADAMEm 1.0:
║ adamem.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ C O M M O D O R E
║ [1977] Commodore PET series
║ [1980] Commodore VIC-20 (Commodore VC-20)
║ [1982] Commodore CBM-II P series (Commodore CBM 5×0 series)
║ [1982] Commodore CBM-II B series (Commodore CBM 6×0/7×0 series)
║ [1982] Commodore 64
║ [1984] Commodore 16 (Commodore 116)
║ [1984] Commodore Plus/4 (Commodore 264)
║ [1985] Commodore 128
║ [2004] Commodore 64 Direct-to-TV
║ VICE 2.4:
║ vice24.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ OR
║ VICE 2.2:
║ vice22.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1985] Commodore Amiga 1000
║ [1987] Commodore Amiga 2000 (Commodore Amiga 1500/2500/2500UX)
║ [1987] Commodore Amiga 500 (Commodore Amiga CDTV)
║ [1990] Commodore Amiga 3000 (Commodore Amiga 3000UX/3000T)
║ [1991] Commodore Amiga 500 Plus
║ [1993] Commodore Amiga 600
║ Fellow 0.3.6 R1:
║ tfp036r1.zip
║ [BIOS] Kickstart (USA, Europe) (v3.1 Rev 40.063) (A500, A600, A2000).zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ D E C
║ [1970] DEC PDP-11
║ MIG-11 1.9:
║ MIG11Em.ver.1.9.zip
║ DOSBox:
║ DOSBox-russian-lang-074.zip
║ language=russian.txt
║ keyboardlayout=RU
║ Docs:
║ pdpbook.txt
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ D R A G O N
║ [1982] Dragon 32
║ [1983] Dragon 64
║ PC-DRAGON 2.02 + 2.06b:
║ pcd202a.zip
║ pcd206u.zip
║ dgn_roms.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ E M E R S O N
║ [1982] Emerson Arcadia 2001 (Bandai Arcadia)
║ Emerson Arcadia 2001 Emulator release 1 build 1.051:
║ 2001_r1.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ E N T E R P R I S E
║ [1985] Enterprise 64/128
║ Enterprise Emulator 0.0 alpha:
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ E X – U S S R
║ [1983] Micro-80 (Микро-80)
║ [1985] Specialist (Специалист)
║ [1986] Radio-86RC (Радио-86РК)
║ [1987] Microsha (Микроша)
║ [1987] Partner-01.01 (Партнёр-01.01)
║ [1988] UT-88 (ЮТ-88)
║ [1988] Apogee BC-01 (Апогей БК-01)
║ [1990] Orion-128 (Орион-128)
║ Emu80 2.86:
║ emurk286.zip
║ DOSBox:
║ DOSBox-russian-lang-074.zip
║ language=russian.txt
║ keyboardlayout=RU
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1985] Agat-7 (Агат-7)
║ [1989] Agat-9 (Агат-9)
║ Виртуальный “Агат-7” + Виртуальный “Агат-9”:
║ emulators.rar
║ Docs:
║ Emulator.shtml
║ Emulator.shtml
║ Alpha.shtml
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1985] Electronika BK-0010 (Электроника БК-0010)
║ [1990] Electronika BK-0011M (Электроника БК-0011M)
║ BK-0010/11M Emulator 6.04 r4:
║ v604r4.rar
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1986] PC-01 Lviv (ПК-01 Львів)
║ LVOV 2.0 PK-01 Emulator 1.4 + 1.5:
║ Lvov20d4.rar
║ Lvov20u5.rar
║ DOSBox:
║ DOSBox-russian-lang-074.zip
║ language=russian.txt
║ keyboardlayout=RU
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1987] Vector-06C (Вектор-06Ц)
║ Эмулятоp ВЕКТОP 06Ц:
║ Vector.Russian.rar
║ DOSBox:
║ DOSBox-russian-lang-074.zip
║ language=russian.txt
║ keyboardlayout=RU
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1988] Corvette PC8020 (Корвет ПК8020)
║ Эмулятор ПК 8020 – “Корвет” RC4 + RC5:
║ korvet-rc4.zip
║ korvet-rc5.zip
║ DOSBox:
║ DOSBox-russian-lang-074.zip
║ language=russian.txt
║ keyboardlayout=RU
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1989] Bashkiria-2M (Башкирия-2М)
║ E580:
║ e580.rar
║ DOSBox:
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ G C E
║ [1982] GCE Vectrex (Bandai Vectrex)
║ DVE 2.0b:
║ dve20.exe
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ H A R T U N G
║ [1990] Hartung Game Master (Systema 2000)
║ Notes: emulator “GM2001” does not run.
║ I R E M
║ Irem M72
║ The M72 Arcade Emulator 0.33b:
║ m72-033b.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ L U X O R
║ [1978] Luxor ABC 80 (BRG ABC 80)
║ ABC80 960112 + 960418:
║ abc80.zip
║ abc80x.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ M A G N A V O X
║ [1972] Magnavox Odyssey
║ ODYEMU 29-11-99:
║ odyemu.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1978] Magnavox Odyssey² (Philips Videopac G7000)
║ [1983] Philips Videopac+ G7400
║ O2EM 1.16:
║ O2EM116-dos.zip
║ odyssey2.zip
║ videopac.zip
║ jopac.zip
║ g7400.zip
║ Voices:
║ mainsamp.zip
║ sidsamp.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ M A T T E L
║ [1979] Mattel Intellivision (Bandai Intellivision)
║ [1980] Sears Super Video Arcade
║ IntvDOS 1.0b:
║ intvdos.zip
║ Executive ROM, The (1978) (Mattel).zip
║ GROM, The (1978) (General Instruments) [!].zip
║ Entertainment Computer System EXEC-BASIC (1978) (Mattel) [!].zip
║ IntelliVoice BIOS (1981) (Mattel).zip
║ Sears Super Video Arcade BIOS (1978) (Sears) [!].zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ M G T
║ [1989] MGT SAM Coupé
║ SimCoupe 1.0:
║ SimCoupe-1.0-DOS.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ M S X
║ [1983] MSX
║ [1985] MSX2
║ [1988] MSX2+
║ [1990] MSX turboR
║ MSKISS 0.2.4 (beta 31):
║ mskiss.zip
║ msx1rom.zip
║ msx2rom.zip
║ msx2prom.zip
║ msxtrrom.zip
║ fmsxdisk.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ N E C / H U D S O N
║ [1987] NEC/Hudson TurboGrafx-16 (NEC/Hudson PC Engine)
║ Hu6280 1.89 Beta:
║ hu_189.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ N I N T E N D O
║ [1983] Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom)
║ NESticle x.xx:
║ nestcxxx.zip
║ dos4gw.lzh
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ OR
║ FakeNES October 31 2005 WIP:
║ FNES_1031.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ FakeNES v0.3.1:
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1989] Nintendo Game Boy series
║ [1994] Nintendo Super Game Boy
║ [1998] Nintendo Game Boy Color
║ No$gmb 2.4:
║ no$gmbreg.exe
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ OR
║ KiGB 2.03:
║ kigb_dos.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1990] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Super Famicom)
║ ZSNES 4538 WIP:
║ ZSNES_4538.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ ZSNES 1.51:
║ zsnes151.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [2001] Nintendo Game Boy Advance series
║ No$gba 2.8d:
║ no$gba-d.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1995] Nintendo Virtual Boy
║ Notes: emulator “Reality Boy” works too slow.
║ [1996] Nintendo 64
║ Notes: emulator “True Reality” does not run.
║ [2004] Nintendo DS
║ Notes: emulator “No$gba” does not run.
║ O R I C
║ [1983] Oric Oric-1
║ [1984] Oric Atmos (Pravetz 8D)
║ [1985] Oric Stratos/IQ164
║ [1986] Oric Telestrat
║ Euphoric-1 build 1019:
║ Euphoric.zip
║ Euphoric.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ O T H E R
║ [1976] General Instrument AY-3-8500
║ PEmu:
║ pemu.zip
║ Notes: simulator.
║ [1976] General Instrument AY-3-8500
║ Pong 6.0:
║ pong60.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: simulator.
║ [1978] CHIP-8
║ CHIP8 2.2.0:
║ chp8_220.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ Various
║ MESS 0.89:
║ dmess89b.zip
║ Docs:
║ mess.txt
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ P H I L I P S
║ [1980] Philips P2000T/P2000M
║ M2000 0.6:
║ m2000.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ S E G A
║ [1983] Sega SG-1000 (Sega SC-3000)
║ [1984] Sega SG-1000 II (Sega SG-1000 Mark II)
║ [1985] Sega Master System (Sega Mark III)
║ [1990] Sega Game Gear
║ BrSMS 1.21:
║ brsms21r.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1985] Sega System 16 series
║ The System 16 Arcade Emulator 0.82 (release 2):
║ s16d082.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1988] Sega Genesis (Sega Mega Drive)
║ Genecyst x.xx:
║ gcystxxx.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ OR
║ Genesis Plus 1.2a:
║ Gp-062203-dos.zip
║ csdpmi7b.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1994] Sega Saturn
║ [1994] Sega Titan Video
║ Notes: emulator “SSE” does not run.
║ S H A R P
║ [1982] Sharp MZ-7xx series
║ [1984] Sharp MZ-8xx series
║ SHARP MZ-800 Emulator 1.0 alfa 007:
║ mzdos007.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1982] Sharp X1
║ [1984] Sharp X1 turbo
║ X1EMU 0.5:
║ x1emu5.lzh
║ opmdrv6a.zip
║ dos4gw.lzh
║ [BIOS] X1turbo [ROM].7z
║ Tools:
║ tap2wav.lzh
║ img1023.lzh
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ S I N C L A I R
║ [1980] Sinclair ZX80
║ [1981] Sinclair ZX81 (Timex Sinclair 1000/1500)
║ No$zx81 1.1:
║ no$zx11d.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1982] Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K/48K
║ [1984] Sinclair ZX Spectrum+
║ [1985] Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K
║ [1986] Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2
║ [1987] Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A/+3
║ [1983] Timex Sinclair 2068 (Timex Computer 2068)
║ [1984] Timex Computer 2048
║ [1987] Didaktik Gama
║ [1989] Pentagon (Пентагон)
║ [1991] Scorpion
║ Speccy 1.7:
║ Speccy17-MSDOS-bin.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1984] Sinclair QL
║ QLAY 0.90:
║ qlay090.zip
║ rom.zip
║ js-4m.zip
║ Tools:
║ qlayt090.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ S N K
║ [1990] SNK Neo Geo
║ dNeoMAME 0.56:
║ dnmame056b.zip
║ neogeo.zip
║ Notes: ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1994] SNK Neo Geo CD
║ NeoCD 0.80 + fix:
║ ngcd080b.zip
║ kf99fix.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1998] SNK Neo Geo Pocket
║ [1999] SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
║ Notes: emulator “NeoPocott” does not run.
║ S O N Y
║ [1994] Sony PlayStation (PS one)
║ Notes: emulator “AdriPSX” does not run.
║ T E X A S I N S T R U M E N T S
║ [1981] Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
║ V9t9 6.0:
║ V9T9.zip
║ Memcode.inc
║ CT-VOICE.DRV_from_Sound_Blaster_16_Cards.zip
║ tiroms.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ T H O M S O N
║ [1984] Thomson TO7-70
║ Thom 1.5.5:
║ thom-1.5.5-dosexe.zip
║ thom-rom.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1984] Thomson MO5
║ Marcel O Cinq 2.1:
║ mo5v2.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1986] Thomson MO6
║ M06 0.1 alpha:
║ MO6_A01.ZIP
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1986] Thomson TO8D
║ Teo 1.7.6:
║ teo-1.7.6-dosexe.zip
║ teo-rom.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, manual setup needed.
║ [1982] Thomson TO7
║ Notes: emulator “FunzyTo7” does not run.
║ [1984] Thomson MO5NR
║ [1986] Olivetti Prodest PC128
║ Notes: emulator “DCMO6” does not run.
║ T A N D Y
║ [1977] Tandy TRS-80 Model I
║ TRS-80 Model I Emulator 6.21:
║ trs81-62.ace
║ Docs:
║ trsdoc.htm
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1980] Tandy TRS-80 Model III
║ [1983] Tandy TRS-80 Model 4/4P
║ TRS-80 Model III/4/4P Emulator 6.21:
║ trs80-62.ace
║ Docs:
║ trsdoc.htm
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1980] Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer (Tandy Color Computer)
║ [1983] Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (Tandy Color Computer 2)
║ Color Computer / Color Computer 2 Emulator 2.10:
║ coco-21.ace
║ Docs:
║ cocodoc.htm
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ [1986] Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 3 (Tandy Color Computer 3)
║ Color Computer 3 Emulator 2.10:
║ coco3-21.ace
║ Docs:
║ cocodoc.htm
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ V E B M P M
║ [1984] VEB MPM KC85/2
║ [1986] VEB MPM KC85/3
║ [1988] VEB MPM KC85/4 (VEB MPM KC85/5)
║ KC85EMU 0.85.3:
║ kc85emu.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
║ V T E C H
║ [1983] VTech Laser 200 (Dick Smith VZ 200)
║ [1985] VTech Laser 310 (Dick Smith VZ 300)
║ VZEM 2.0:
║ vzem_22.zip
║ Notes: no ZIP support, no setup needed.
╚════════════════════════════════════════════════31. January 2017 at 18:26 #4211admin
KeymasterI think this is unbelievable ! 🙂 Fanatastic work! Thank you for your time!
1. February 2017 at 16:03 #4214OleGamerUA
ParticipantNo problem! 🙂
5. February 2017 at 0:13 #4225Al ex
KeymasterFantastic list, kudos for that.?
Small addition regarding C64:
The most recent version of VICE is v3.0. But in mDosbox, 3.0, 2.4 and 2.3 are broken or running badly. v2.2 is the best here, it’s running 100% stable in mDosbox.5. February 2017 at 9:34 #4226admin
KeymasterI am playing with NESticle (NES emulator). Thanks for recommendation. It works at fullspeed on my phone.
I tried :
Bubble Bobble
Battle city
Might and Magic 1In Contra I sometimes feel controls slightly delayed, but else it works perfectly! Maybe it is problem in Contra, because I don’t feel it in other games. And it supports save/load states:)
5. February 2017 at 9:38 #4227admin
KeymasterI wanted play Might and Magic 1 for Apple 2. emu2-0.40.zip loads game, but is not playable and has graphical glitches. And XGS-DOS I could not get work properly. It wont load roms correctly. Maybe I need read carefully documentation.
5. February 2017 at 14:33 #4228OleGamerUA
ParticipantAl ex, thanks! Strange things about VICE, because I’ve tested 2.4 and it works pretty fine for me.
Tony, about XGS-DOS, you have to extract gsrom01.zip and gsrom03.zip files and rename them as XGS01.ROM and XGS03.ROM respectively.
Then you have to create a BAT file with such lines:
XGS.EXEAnd run this file only.
Use S5D1 for 800k disk images. Use S6D1 for 140k disk images.
After you’ve loaded an image, press “Ok” button and then type “pr#6” command (without quotes).
That’s all 🙂
5. February 2017 at 17:00 #4229Al ex
KeymasterYes, v2.4 works. But I found it to be slightly more unstable than 2.2.
v3.0 and 2.3 on the other hand are completely broken for me.Lol, I just tried Fellow (Amiga), and it’s running full speed in mDosbox on my phone. ?
5. February 2017 at 18:02 #4230admin
KeymasterWow, I must try Fellow. This really interest me. The NESticle works really very well. I give more chance to XGS. I want try apple version of Might and Magic 1 🙂
Maybe I can create new “add” option to main menu. Something like “add NESticle profile” etc.
5. February 2017 at 18:07 #4231Al ex
KeymasterRunning emulators inside an emulator is pretty nerdy stuff. But fun nonetheless. ?
5. February 2017 at 19:33 #4232admin
KeymasterGreat is that DOS was after all these systems:) so fans created emus what runs under DOS 🙂
5. February 2017 at 20:16 #4233infernoxzx
ParticipantWow!You guys are great,thank you all!
5. February 2017 at 22:08 #4235admin
KeymasterI am working on layout for NESticle. My goal is easily save and load states. And basic buttons for emu control. Probably I’ll add to next version new deadly strike action for firing another deadly strike.
5. February 2017 at 22:28 #4236infernoxzx
Participantbruenor, super!, I wait in the next update
7. February 2017 at 19:06 #4242OleGamerUA
ParticipantAl ex, I’ve also added a 2.2 version of VICE into the list, thanks 🙂
Just for information, every single emulator in this list was able to run a random game in DOSBox. I’ve tested them personally 😎
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