I wanted to run Kyrandia 3 with DosBox on both Mobile and PC. I was able by using GOG installation but needed the DOS files (MAIN.EXE, SETUP, CDEMU2 etc. I found them and on PC sound worked. On Mobile my old Samsung phone had sound with using the GOG installation + MAIN.EXE, SETUP, CDEMU2. On new phone which is powerful, 1+ 8 Pro there was NO SOUND. So I wanted to see if I could run it with the EXE packed by GOG.
Solution was: Just use SCUMMV on both Android and PC.. There are some pluses for the adventure game as I saw some CUTSCENES not present with the OLD EXE files. And it runs fine on Scummv
A MINUS was that the old SAV file would not work.. until I found I could rename the save to kyra3.001 etc which allowed DOS save to work… except it has BUGS! I will post them in the respective forum.
I would have moved to the SCUMMV an RPG game too but because I play such games on Android… SCUMMV does not offer the customizable UI layout you can do with Magic DosBox. So in this case (and considering the BUGS caused by adventure game and you dont wanna BUg a SAVE file that has reached far in the game), I guess Scumvv only needed to solve the adventure’s Sound problems