Reply To: Crusader – No Remorse


Ok, so I managed to make it work, but in a very hacky way

I made a new profile and configured it, and I also imported the old profile. Then I went to the MagicDosbox/Games/Data directory, and I copied the “Layouts” file and “Images” folder from your profile and pasted them into the one I’ve created. Then I launched my profile and after Magic Dosbox closed by itslef (like in your profile), I once again went to the /Data directory for my profile and I saw that a “Layouts_New” file was created. I then deleted the old “Layouts” file and renamed the “Layouts_New” file to just “Layouts”. Then I went back to Magic Dosbox and after I started my profile, everything worked and I was able to see the controls. I don’t really know why it worked, but hey, I’m not complaining

Thanks for trying to help me anyways, especially as this post is 8 years old. What a helpful community

Have a nice day sir!