The Elder Scrolls 2 : Daggerfall

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  • #3270

    If I remember good, during installation is not possible use absolute mouse. But when game starts then absolute mouse works fine – as you can see in videos below.

    Installation guide

    Fight macro tutorial for players who use absolute mouse (from to 3rd minute).


    Thanks for the vids! Worked as a charm. One question though. How do I install the 213 patch on magic dosbox? I’ve read online that it solves a bug after repairing an item at a smith and then trying to save afterwards when it then crashes. Such a pain.

    Al ex

    If it’s a regular DOS patch, you should be able to install it in Dosbox without problems.
    I don’t think this patch version is really important, though. I have it installed, and the patch notes only say:

    Patch Fixes, version 1.07.213

    * Fixmaps and Fixsave have been updated to work with any install size.
    Fixmaps will require that the file MAPS.BSA be installed on your
    hard drive as it is modified by the program. If this file is not
    found, you will be given the option to copy it over.


    Thanks. Nope it also fixed that bug. Not sure why they haven’t mentioned it. But I saw on some forums that it helps.

    Al ex

    FYI, the free download from Bethesda should already be patched:

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