Sounds and release button actions

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  • #8200

    Two new suggestions:
    1. possibility to play customs sounds when triggering a widget ?
    2. mostly for combo widget, but could be interesting for the key” widget too: triggering an action when touching the widget and another action when releasing the widget. Example: I press and keep the pressure on the a combo widget: show a layer. I release the widget: hide a layer. Useful in some games to show some informations just by pressing a widget rather than having to click one time to show, one another time to hide.


    Maybe yes, i think it could not interfere with playing game sounds. But is necessary understand, some widgets have touch down/up events (keys), some are executed on touch up(deadly strike). But maybe can be start/stop sound playing like a deadly strike action

    Hengki Kusuma Adi

    Play custom sounds would be neat, i was wondering if i could improve my Redesigned WIP of Wizardry 1-5 by triggering a specific widget plays the songs from the various later console ports (NES/GBC/SNES/PCECD/WSC/PSX) since the original computer versions (exception of Wiz5 on FM Towns) normally don’t have that one. (Oh, don’t forget to put loop or non-loopable sound actions too)


    What kind of sound files should I support, I think wav should be without problems. Do you want set sound on finger up or on both finger down and up?

    EDIT: sorry, from topic title I see question:)

    Al ex

    My two cents: wav, mp3, flac, ogg, maybe m4a.

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