Magic carpet 2 joystick

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    Hi, I’m trying to play magic carpet 2, and I am using a joystick to control roll to left or right. I find it really sensitive…. How would I go about making it less sensitive so I don’t completely roll everytime I lightly tap the stick?

    I am using a dualshock 4 controller, and the game gives me 2 settings…. Analogue and digital. Thanks!


    You should try set analog in game if it has, and in mdosbox bind 2axis. Dont bind keypad, it has none kind of sensitivity. Analog sensitivity should be adjusted in game’s options, this should be managed by game. Can be game controlled by mouse?


    Yep, the game supports mouse or joystick to fly around… I don’t see analogue sensitivity setting in the game itself though.


    Analog should be best option, because has wide axis range. Maybe you can try control with mouse, I did attempt to implement mouse acceletation, you can set rate(sensitivity) in mapper, but I dont know how well it will work, it is a bit science

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