Thank you for this great emulator.
It would be great if you can add support for floppy disc images (.ima, img. files) to the configuration site of each game. Yeah, it would be possible to mount floppy discs in the expert mode, but the config site is so comfortable on a little Smartphone. And I can not change the disc file during an installation.
Thank you in advance!
Hi there,
thanks for suggestion. You are right, this feature is missing. Hope I can get soon to implementation. I am still working on other features. Many times helps if you copy content of all floppies to one directory and install it from there.
Best regards,
Multiple floppy disk will be available in next version. Not gui yet, only from expert settings for now
Thank you! It would be great if you can make it on the gui in one of the future versions. 🙂 It would be very helpful for Windows 3.11 installing if I can change the disc through the general settings. Your app is perfectly already. But then Magic Dosbox will be godlike! 😀
HI, My message is old, latest version can work with multiple floppies. You can’t add them in user interface, but it’s available in expert settings. It’s just like multiple cds.
imgmount a: path/flopp1.img path/floppy2.img -t floppy
Then you can cycle over them in general settings
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