I just found this Magic Dosbox to use old Dos games.
And the first game that came to mind was Dune.
I played this a ton back in the day.
I grabbed the Iso from:
[link removed due to copyright violation]
(Which is legal, I hope)
Mounted the cd in Magic Dosbox.
Ran the setup. Choose the soundblaster for sound.
Then everything worked and with sound when I started the game. With voices and all.
Be sure to check the box of the mounted CD in the settings of the game in Magic Dosbox.
Because the sound is located on the CD. Only settings and saves are stored on the “disk”.
This game works great on my Galaxy Tab 2 10 inch with stock android 4.4.
I would also suggest to use the absolute mouse setting and adding a ‘esc’ button (so you can skip the intro’s if you wish).
Hope this helps!