22. February 2018 at 17:58
Thanks for sharing !
Im liking it a lot, love your attack implementetion, simple but functional. Ive tweaked it a bit for my tastes:
– Changed 8 directional gamepad in favor of 4 directional ( more reliable , you cant advance and turn at the same time using 8 dpad only and sometimes it conflicts with mouselook )
– Love the crossair idea, made the background fully invisible.
– Minimized the ingame ui since everything is accesible via widgets.
– Tweaked ini for max 120% cicles and sb2 for better perfomance.
– 0 frameskip and 5x filter
Will tinker with it a bit more,but since you added the 2 attacks I most use ( normal and max damage ) I dont see the need to add many other things.
Really really liking it!