11. December 2017 at 9:32

Yes, I don’t see other delays. Here is algorithm for click by relative mouse :
if ((timeDiff > 10) && (timeDiff < 300) && (distDiffX < distanceSmall) && (distDiffY < distanceSmall)) {
It is checked on finger UP. Do click when :
1. if ((finger_up_time – finger_down_time) < 300ms) - you must put finger off the screen quickly, below 300ms
2. abs(finger_downXY – finger_upXY) < 1dp - you cannot drag finger over screen, XY difference betwee finger down and up must be in distance 1dp (around 3 pixels)
I am wondering why I use only 1dp, seems to me like too small distance, but probably it works fine 😀