Tegra is certainly good. Kirin cpu’s also seem to be doing well. Personally, I can recommend the high-end Exynos chips from Samsung. You can use the Doom Shareware timedemo mentioned on the DTurbo site to get some good comparison scores. This benchmark is some kind of standard btw, not made up by the DTurbo guy, but discussed on the official Dosbox forums much earlier.
Some of my own results (lower is better):
The S7 Edge (Exynos 8890, 2,3 GHz): 670-850 (root + performance governor: 650)
Galaxy Note (Snapdragon 805, 2,7 GHz): 2100-2400 (root + performance governor: 1400)
Galaxy Note 2 (Exynos 4412, 1.6 GHz): 2000 (root + performance governor: 2000, no difference)
Galaxy A5 2017 (Exynos 7870, 1,6 GHz): 2000
As you can see, the Exynos chips always did very well for me. Plus the SD 805 overheated all the time, so I had to use a custom kernel and force it to run as dual core 2,7 / 1,2 GHz instead of 4x 2,7 GHz quad core, to keep performance at a somewhat steady level. And I asked a guy who owned a Snapdragon 820 Galaxy S7, and his scores were abysmal, too. That’s why I would never ever touch a Snapdragon again. Let alone it’s incompatibility with GLTools and Half-Life 2, which I can run flawlessly on my Exynos phone.
tl;dr: get a high-end Exynos (88xx), Tegra, or Kirin chip. Don’t buy a Snapdragon. 🙂