Reply To: Wacky wheels


However, Setup does not really reveal anything interesting.
I would have expected the L & R arrows, already on screen, to enable selection of the 5 Tracks when in the Track Screen. However, the arrows normally do nothing. I say ‘normally’ since on just one occasion the Track text at the bottom of the 1st Track Icon lit up and then the arrows did enable me to move to select other Tracks but unfortunately I can not repeat this. Strange !
I obviously do not have the full version, which restricts options. Certainly, both Silver and Gold Track Level options when selected say “Order”
Maybe there is no option to select Tracks in Bronze Level and one needs to achieve something in the game to move on to Track2
If so, then maybe I discovered a “cheat”, to select the track, which unfortunately I cannot repeat.
Maybe all will be revealed in time.
P.S. got Full version now and still no obvious way to select Tracks so guess they need to be earned by success in game