Reply To: Daggerfall?

Torn Shadewing

I tried to rewrite the z.cfg file using CHEATMODE 1 and it tells me that I can’t play from the CD

In z.cfg file must be correct path of ARENA2 directory on Daggerfall CD. If your installation is minimum as on Bruenor’s youtube guide then your z.cfg file must look like this:

type dfall_minimum
path c:\dagger\arena2\
pathcd d:\dagger\arena2\
fadecolor 0
mapfile d
rendergame 1
user 1
startMap 179
region 17
helmet 0
maxSpeed 200
controls betaplyr.dat
maps mapsave.sav
cheatmode 1
magicrepair 1

If you use maximum installation then you must change pathcd to c:\dagger\arena2\ and copy all files from ARENA2 directory on CD to c:\dagger\arena2\ After this you can run Daggerfall without CDRom drive, if I remember correctly.

And don’t forget run fall.exe with parameter (-p) z.cfg if you want use cheats, instead dagger.exe Perhaps good idea will be make file Dagger.txt in notepad contained this:

fall.exe z.cfg

After this rename this file to Dagger.bat and place it in \dagger\ folder on your device. In Magic DOSBox as Main program choose \DAGGER\Dagger.bat and enjoy.

Sorry my bad English.