Thank you very much for your answer(s). I solved everything, according to your instructions!
Thank you so much, in the online world I have never met such helpfulness! 🙂
I wish you the best, Al ex!
I figured out where I was wrong! As a test, I downloaded an “external” img file that I was able to run. Its parameters were described:
imgmount d Win95E.img -size 512,63,16,255
Then I tried to create several img files, but none of them worked. In my final desperation, I looked at the downloaded file (Win95E.img), which was written to 131 604 992 bytes in the properties! Where can I see the “virtual parameters” of an img file?
(Sorry if the question is stupid.)
Dear AL EX!
Thank you very much for your greeting and quick response!
Based on your help, I realized there was a problem with adjusting the size.
I rewrote the command as follows:
imgmount c/storage/emulated/0/Win95.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 536,87,09,12
Now, when I open DosBox, the logo pops up and the program closes… Do you have any advice on this?