Walkthrough Widget not loading in v85


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  • #9918

    Since the recent v85 update, i noticed that Walkthrough Widgets won’t open. After going through the welcome widget and verifying it can get to the game folders well enough, I noticed walkthrough widgets to a local image or html file wouldn’t open. I updated the path in the widget and made sure it pointed to the file, but same issue. I deleted and readded the widgets thinking it might just need a refresh, and no difference. When clicking the widget, it starts bringing up the window, showing the header with the green forward/back, search, and X buttons, but never shows the full image. I noticed in the widget settings, the location shown is the Full path to the file, not one starting with <games> as I thought it should now show everywhere. I noticed widgets with old non-updated paths showed the Webpage not available error I’d expect (net::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED). If I update the path in the widget, then it changes to hanging at the title bar. Even if I delete the file and restart the app, it still hangs at the title bar, even though I’d expect some not-found error/page. So, can’t tell what the problem is. The files are sitting in the same folder as the executable it can find just fine.


    Thank you for report, will check it. Yes, at 100% i forgot at this widget. I will try release fix as soon as possible.

    EDIT: Okay, this is issue. Google does not provide API for loading html content using new restrictions, they forgot to fix that or who knows. I need more time, looking for solution.

    Just now you can move the html files to private folder and set walkthrough widget loading from there.



    it is not supported. But I did one hack and it could work. If not at 100% then at least almost always. Please can you send me email to magicbox@imejl.sk?


    ok thanks for the quick check. for reference, not sure if you meant specifically html or just anything using the built in ‘browser’, but I had previously used the ‘walkthrough widget’ to save local txt, html, and image files (usually saved as png), all currently with the same results.

    Also, not sure how Private folders are supposed to work. so far anything i select other than Public when selecting files just shows an empty folder with nowhere to go. maybe i’m not understanding the feature.

    will email

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