Tagged: Help mapper
- This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
24. April 2024 at 18:21 #10751
ParticipantIt won’t map the joysticks or the analog axes to be precise. Phone sees the controller and everything works with Gamepad Tester. But when i try to map it in game, it kinda gets messy. I go into Gamepad and Tilt options, but it doesn’t give me the option to map axies. Is there any tutorial for it, can’t seem to find anything online that helps me. Tnx.
25. April 2024 at 6:29 #10752admin
KeymasterThere is option left/right joystick. If you bind it in game which reads axix then you must enable “native joystick” in game profile
25. April 2024 at 9:21 #10754sektor
ParticipantHow to enable native joystick in game profile? Game only detects inputs, it doesn’t have a toggle button to turn joysticks on or off. The game is Nascar Racing.
Edit – If i go to this screen i can enable joystick but i can’t map anything to it.
26. April 2024 at 12:18 #10758sektor
ParticipantI enabled 2 axis joystick emulation in the game configuration options on the main screen of magicDosbox, but still no luck. There is just no axis recognized by Magic Dosbox. In expert comands in config file joystick is set to none. Any help is appreciated.
26. April 2024 at 16:14 #10759sektor
ParticipantOk i reinstalled everything, controller is in Xbox mode and Magic Dosbox recognizes one joystick, but still no way to map second joystick or analog triggers.
26. April 2024 at 17:24 #10761admin
KeymasterIn game profile is option : native two axis joystick emulation. Enable it.
Explanation – Magic Dosbox emulates complete PC. Game profile tells what for hardware is inside. In other words, enabling option above tells that you inserted old dos cable joystick into emulated pc and this joystick supports axis.
In mapper you define conversion of your modern xbox gamepad events to something what these old games understand. For example convert xbox axis to keyboard keys, mouse or old axis from dos era. You should see options left joystick/right joystick, like is on the picture in earlier post.
But this is not enough. Now you must take manual of your dos game and read how our daddies implemented joystick support. Usually you can skip this paper and you can start SETUP.EXE, INSTALL.EXE or similar program included in game’s directory. If the game supports joystick then it should be there. Dont be surprised if the game does not support axis. Only few old games support axis. Mostly there is support only for state 0,1. Dos games were stupid and plug and play did not exist. You must run setup and tell what you need.
Which game do you try?
26. April 2024 at 18:07 #10762sektor
ParticipantHey, thanks for the reply, i have some idea on how Dosbox works, i have Dosbox-x and Exodos on my PC.
The game is Nascar Racing and it supports 2 joysticks natively. only thing you can setup is the sound. When i enable native 2axis joystick emulation the game recognizes only one joystick (left) which calibrates in the game. I have controller with analog triggers and i would like to map them to the throttle and brake axis. I can do that no problem on PC in the Dosbox mapper, but i still haven’t figured out how to map axis of my controller to Magic Dosbox mapper (the controller i have has 6 axis, 2 joysticks and two triggers, so i would map joystick 1 to left joystick and joystick 2 to triggers). I can remap buttons and d-pad just fine.
26. April 2024 at 20:52 #10769admin
KeymasterI think this is not implemented now. There is support for two players in mapper when one player binds first 2axis and second player binds second 2axis. Maybe somehow magically it could work this way, but i am not sure. What is the joystick setup for nascar in dosbox-x config? Dosbox-x is much more updated in some ways.
28. April 2024 at 20:54 #10811sektor
ParticipantIn Dosbox-x you just enable 2 joysticks and map axis from a controller to them. You can map wheel and pedals, joysticks, whatever. It is convenient that Dosbox-x is very user friendly for noobs like me.
30. April 2024 at 8:06 #10838admin
KeymasterIs it possible export these settings somehow?
1. May 2024 at 21:26 #10841sektor
ParticipantIt has a mapper.map file with the commands, if it helps.
hand_reset “key 114 host”
hand_reboot “key 98 host”
hand_quickrun “key 113 host”
hand_shutdown “key 290 mod1”
hand_capmouse “key 291 mod1”
hand_copyall “key 286 mod1”
hand_paste “key 287 mod1”
hand_ejectpage “key 283 mod1”
hand_pause “key 19 host”
hand_gui “key 99 host”
hand_mapper “key 109 host”
hand_fullscr “key 102 host”
hand_resetsize “key 8 host”
hand_incsize “key 273 host”
hand_decsize “key 274 host”
hand_togmenu “key 27 host”
hand_speedlock “key 275 host”
hand_speednorm “key 276 host”
hand_speedup “key 93 host”
hand_slowdown “key 91 host”
hand_savestate “key 115 host”
hand_loadstate “key 108 host”
hand_prevslot “key 44 host”
hand_nextslot “key 46 host”
hand_recwave “key 119 host”
hand_video “key 105 host”
hand_scrshot “key 112 host”
hand_volup “key 270 host”
hand_voldown “key 269 host”
hand_sendkey_mapper “key 127 host”
hand_cycledown “key 45 host”
hand_cycleup “key 61 host”
hand_swapimg “key 111 host”
hand_swapcd “key 100 host”
hand_debugger “key 19 mod2”
key_esc “key 27”
key_f1 “key 282”
key_f2 “key 283” “stick_1 hat 0 4”
key_f3 “key 284” “stick_1 hat 0 1”
key_f4 “key 285”
key_f5 “key 286”
key_f6 “key 287”
key_f7 “key 288”
key_f8 “key 289”
key_f9 “key 290”
key_f10 “key 291”
key_f11 “key 292”
key_f12 “key 293”
key_grave “key 96”
key_1 “key 49”
key_2 “key 50”
key_3 “key 51”
key_4 “key 52”
key_5 “key 53”
key_6 “key 54”
key_7 “key 55”
key_8 “key 56”
key_9 “key 57”
key_0 “key 48”
key_minus “key 45”
key_equals “key 61”
key_bspace “key 8”
key_tab “key 9”
key_q “key 113”
key_w “key 119”
key_e “key 101”
key_r “key 114”
key_t “key 116”
key_y “key 121”
key_u “key 117”
key_i “key 105”
key_o “key 111”
key_p “key 112”
key_lbracket “key 91”
key_rbracket “key 93”
key_enter “key 13”
key_capslock “key 301”
key_a “key 97”
key_s “key 115”
key_d “key 100”
key_f “key 102”
key_g “key 103”
key_h “key 104”
key_j “key 106”
key_k “key 107”
key_l “key 108”
key_semicolon “key 59”
key_quote “key 39”
key_backslash “key 92”
key_lshift “key 304”
key_lessthan “key 60”
key_z “key 122”
key_x “key 120”
key_c “key 99”
key_v “key 118”
key_b “key 98”
key_n “key 110”
key_m “key 109”
key_comma “key 44”
key_period “key 46”
key_slash “key 47”
key_rshift “key 303”
key_lctrl “key 306”
key_lwindows “key 311”
key_lalt “key 308”
key_space “key 32”
key_ralt “key 307”
key_rwindows “key 312”
key_rwinmenu “key 319”
key_rctrl “key 305”
key_printscreen “key 316”
key_scrolllock “key 302”
key_pause “key 19”
key_insert “key 277”
key_home “key 278”
key_pageup “key 280”
key_delete “key 127”
key_end “key 279”
key_pagedown “key 281”
key_up “key 273”
key_left “key 276”
key_down “key 274”
key_right “key 275”
key_kp_equals “key 272”
key_numlock “key 300”
key_kp_divide “key 267”
key_kp_multiply “key 268”
key_kp_minus “key 269”
key_kp_7 “key 263”
key_kp_8 “key 264”
key_kp_9 “key 265”
key_kp_plus “key 270”
key_kp_4 “key 260”
key_kp_5 “key 261”
key_kp_6 “key 262”
key_kp_1 “key 257”
key_kp_2 “key 258”
key_kp_3 “key 259”
key_kp_enter “key 271”
key_kp_0 “key 256”
key_kp_period “key 266”
jbutton_0_0 “stick_0 button 0”
jbutton_0_1 “stick_0 button 1”
jaxis_0_0- “stick_0 axis 0 0”
jaxis_0_0+ “stick_0 axis 0 1”
jbutton_0_2 “stick_0 button 2”
jbutton_0_3 “stick_0 button 3”
jaxis_1_0- “stick_1 axis 0 0”
jaxis_1_1- “stick_1 axis 1 0”
jaxis_0_2- “stick_0 axis 2 0”
jaxis_0_3- “stick_0 axis 3 0”
jaxis_0_2+ “stick_0 axis 2 1”
jaxis_0_3+ “stick_0 axis 3 1”
jbutton_0_4 “stick_0 button 4”
jbutton_0_5 “stick_0 button 5”
jhat_0_0_0 “stick_0 hat 0 1”
jhat_0_0_3 “stick_0 hat 0 8”
jhat_0_0_2 “stick_0 hat 0 4”
jhat_0_0_1 “stick_0 hat 0 2”
key_jp_hankaku “key 172”
key_jp_muhenkan “key 173”
key_jp_henkan “key 174”
key_jp_hiragana “key 175”
key_jp_yen “key 171”
key_jp_bckslash “key 180”
key_colon “key 58”
key_caret “key 94”
key_atsign “key 64”
mod_1 “key 305” “key 306”
mod_2 “key 307” “key 308”
mod_3 “key 303” “key 304”
host “key 292”2. May 2024 at 16:23 #10861admin
KeymasterThank you. And dosbox.conf can be exported? Do you use it? I need to see how looks the setup for [joystick] section.
Something like:
timed=false3. May 2024 at 17:48 #10902sektor
ParticipantHere it is:
joysticktype = auto
timed = true
autofire = false
swap34 = false
buttonwrap = false
joy1deadzone1 = 0.00
joy1deadzone2 = 0.00
joy2deadzone1 = 0.00 -
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