Annoyingly like most adventure games, Ecstatica insists on numpad input for directional and combat control instead of the usual Up/Down/Left/Right. Is there a way to remap my chromebook keyboard to accept other keys as the d-pad? Cheers for any advice.
Should be doable with the mapper in Voodoo control options. 🙂
Thanks Alex. I figured it out in the end. It was tricky as my interface is different from the guide and the video:
If anyone else has trouble with key binding using this menu, I discovered the solution is Gamepad & Tilt > Joystick > Gamepad Buttons, the confusing thing here was that keyboard mapping is under Joystick. Or maybe I’m just a bit thick 😉
Glad your got it working. 🙂👍
And no, you’re not thick. It’s just the sheer amount of options in this app that can be quite overwhelming sometimes.
It simply grew bigger and bigger over the year. 😉
I can see that. It took me less time to beat the game than it did to work out how to map the keys to it 😀
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