hello ive been wanting to get fallout 2 on my phone ever since i heard about it. however upon following the tutorial on youtube there is an error of no bootable device on virtual box and there is no way to fix it. could someone send me a windows file that has been already created for magic dosbox. i already own fallout 2 but i will need to install it in the windows 95 emulation. thank you.
I copy Alex’s answer here
“Sorry, but as ancient as Win95 may be, it’s still copyright protected. So please don’t ask for any copies. Thank you very much.
Installing Win95 from your own iso image is pretty straightford, you can also do it on a pc, and copy the images to your phone afterwards.”
However, no bootable device means that you dumped win95 cd incorrectly.
But ive followed the steps on youtube and placed it in the secondary master and sitll not booting
I’m stealing this thread cuz I have a similar problem of not being able to get it and I’m wondering if there is any way without a computer needed
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