Thank you, I did some reading last night and found the answer about the cursor in the documents 😀
My question now is, I used VM to make two 1gb .img’s one for the c drive, one for the d drive. I am using the preset found from the Youtube video but when I adjust the size of the c drive (-size 512,63,64,520)
@Echo Off
imgmount c /storage/emulated/0/Win95.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 512,63,64,520
imgmount d /storage/emulated/0/Drivers.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 512,63,16,64
boot -l c
I get this error:
Can’t create drive from file.
Drive D is mounted as /storage/emulated/0/Drivers.img
Booting from drive C…
If I do not change anything from the original preset and using the 512 mb .img and run it, it begins to install Windows 95.
I would prefer having a larger hdd, at lest 2gb. However, trying to clone a 2 gb vhd, cmd does nothing for over an hour in one test. But I was able to make 2, 1 gb vhd to .img’s. Named, win95.img and Brain.img
So, I am not sure how I should be mounting them, if you could provide the command I can put in the expert mode, that would be very helpful.
Also, I am not sure if I am supposed to put both of the 1 gb vhd’s to .img’s files on the same command line or not?