Looking forward to the return of console mode, then! Just being able to use a controller to move the cursor instead of a mouse will fix the issue, IMO, even if it’s not “full Android TV compatibility”.
I’ve grabbed the font you suggested and it works well, but is there a reason (I presume so) why a soundfont sounds “worse” on Magic DosBox than on my PC, though? For example, the Patch93 SC-55 one I mentioned sounds much better on PC but music sounds “off” (missing notes?) on Magic DosBox when I run Doom with it. We have full GUS support so not a huge issue, just curious.
Sharing MGC files is awesome and it’s great to see people uploading those here, but what I wanted to know was: do MGC files include stuff like gamepad button mapping and mouse settings too, or just the dosbox configuration (cycles, memory, midi, executable, etc.) settings?