6. August 2017 at 17:36

thanks for the detailed reply.
I’m not a developer,just an average retro gamer from 1977 🙂
I like the old Dos,Amiga,C64 games, and thats why I’m happy with the new features on my favorite apps.
(Tested on Oneplus3 – Android 7.1.1 ScummVM – point and click adventure games, Uae4arm – Cannon Fodder,Dune2,Ishar,Eye of the Beholder etc. and working fine the new mouse option)
Anno I have purchased the Dosbox Turbo, but no more updates, and planning to buy the Magic Dosbox.
I just thought about asking this function, before buying the Magic Dosbox.
I think it’s a lot better than Dosbox Turbo : simple config,more function,and better MT32 midi emulation.