thank you very much:) Yes, I will record installation guide for win3.11. Fortunately this process is absolutely easy against win95 and you don’t need virtual box. But life is not easy and with current version is not so easy, you must wait to next version – at least if you want install it from floppy discs, because only next version will support multiple floppies in one drive(but maybe there is some iso file). In last 3 weeks I installed win3.11 from floppies maybe 10 times and it works very well. And next version will support it only through expert settings, unfortunately you will be able set multiple floppies in gui in version 43(now will go out 42). Currently I am very busy with other tasks. In expert settings you will be able mount multiple floppies exactly like you do it with iso files. And I want create video guide after I will finish gui:)
Best regards,