Reply To: I need help with updating profiles (Android 13)



.MagicBox folder contains game profiles. Inside is folder Games. Inside are data for profiles. I unluckly named this folder as “Games” but it should be “Profiles”.

I recommend this:

Create folder Games in root of storage and copy your dos games here.

Then run survey again (welcome screen). Grant permissions on folder “Games”, on next screen grant permissions on .MagicBox

Press next several times to main menu.

Open game profile and update “drive c:”. It automatically sets <games>. The same should be done with CD paths.

It is because since v85 we must agree with google’s restrictions, which blocks access to storage and we must work in sandbox, in other words, if you write something like /storage/emulated/0/Games then Magic Dosbox does not know it anymore, because restrictions block it. Google blocks further development without this. All applications will disappear from store if they dont agree. There was no other choice. The only thing what we can do is to make porting more user friendly, any ideas are welcome

Other way is copy games to private folder. You can use total commander to copy games there (/android/data/bruenor.magicbox/files). In this location MagicDosbox knows absolute paths. You can use there <games> prefix too. It is much more comfortable then writing long path

I must implement my own file browser to copy games there, to get rid off external file browser