Warcraft 2 – Hybrid mouse movement

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  • #7330

    Hi! I just bought MDB and I’m absolutely thrilled with it!

    I’m building my own widget layout for Warcraft 2 on a smaller screen, with hotkeys in the side margins. Using absolute mouse movement to tap all the ingame icons isn’t quite viable at my screen size, and War2 places a building when the LMB is pressed, not when it’s released, so I need a way to hover precisely before clicking.

    My problem is this: I start and spend most of my time in Absolute mode, and I’ve created a button that I can hold to temporarily switch to Relative mode. This would work perfectly, except that this temporary Relative mode always moves at default sensitivity, regardless of how high I set it. Is there a way we can start in 1:1 movement so Absolute works properly, and use a different sensitivity when activating Relative through a widget?

    I’m figuring out a workaround, probably using a widget to do an Absolute move-without-click, while my default is Absolute move-and-click. But I would prefer to be able to use the two modes interchangeably, especially so I can choose building locations and targets without my finger in the way.

    Is there an option I’ve missed? Does anyone else have a good setup for War2?


    Hmm correct, changing mouse type to relative with widget is not affected by mouse sensitivity. I can check why tomorrow.


    Cool, thanks!

    I played the first few scenarios of the campaign, and my Absolute hover-without-click method does well enough for placing buildings, but it’s very hard to pull peasants off the gold line and I don’t think it would work for targeting moving enemies with spells. Also, I think switching to Relative would make it much easier to click on the mini map.

    I don’t get to sit down at a computer and play videogames very often, so MDB is huge for me. Thanks again for all your hard work!



    I found it, it really applies only for permanent mouse type change. I think fix is not hard, but needs some tests. I can look at this in next days, can I contact you for test?

    Many thanks,

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