Reply To: All desktop shortcuts revert to the name 'Magic DosBox'


Hm, strange. On my pbone, the shortcuts survive a reboot (rooted S7 Edge, 6.0.1). I:m using Nova Launcher, though, I’ve deleted the Toucbwiz launcher.
Maybe something broke when your phone crashed? Have you tried to clear the cache of Magic Dosbox and your launcher?

Yes it’s quite possible that something broke when it crashed. How do I clear the cache of Magic DosBox and my launcher’s cache? You mean reinstall Magic DosBox?

thank you for report. This is very weird. Can you confirm that after restart are all icons renamed to “Magic Dosbox”?

Yes I can confirm it

Please what is your device for, which android version you have and which launcher do you use(do you use custom launcher?). Problems like this may be related to launcher bugs. Maybe your launcher requires to store some additional information.

My device is an Mlais MX Base 5.1, with Android vers. 5.1.
I rooted it and have a custom bootloader on it but the launcher and the rest of it is pretty much all default; no custom Android ROM (far as I remember it’s one of the official ones) or launcher or anything of the sort.