Reply To: diablo 2 bought from on magic dosbox


Windows on magic dosbox run by the script
imgmount 2 win95osr.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,32,520 img 512mb
imgmount 3 hdd-2gb.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,64,1023 img 2gb
boot -l c

whether it is possible to create 3 hard disk with a capacity of 2 gb
how such a script would look like
imgmount 2 win95osr.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,32,520 img 512mb
imgmount 3 hdd-2gb.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,64,1023 Here I installed diablo 2 from the disk 3
imgmount 4 hdd-2gb.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,64,1023 Here I threw diablo 2-setup
boot -l c

or would need to win 95 OSR installed on the image 2gb
c contain disk installed win95osr (400mb) and setup diablo 2 (1,45gb)
then the c drive I installed diablo on disk d
if there is the possibility of magic dosbox to win 95 to have a hard c d and e or c 2gb hard drive and 2GB d-